Painted glass

Color explosion

adjust Used as spandrel glazing

adjust Silkscreen, roller & digital printing

adjust Full-colored

There are different technics of application enamel on glass - silkscreen, roller, digital printing. Any of these printed glasses require consecutive thermal treatment - either toughening or heat strengthening, which permanently fuses enamel to the glass surface. Such enamels are as strong and durable as the glass itself and resistant to discoloration.

Fully colored glasses usually are painted with silkscreen or roller, and they are used as spandrel glazing that covers non-transparent parts of the building. Fully painted glass is not intended for see-through use. Black borders, which cover the edge seal area of structural glazing, usually are applied with a silkscreen or digital print. For repeating single-colored decorative patterns, the most cost-effective application way is silkscreen printing, but digital printing makes it possible to have any full-colored, high-resolution image applied either on one single glass pane or enlarged and spread over the entire building facade.


Glazing Systems

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